Dean of Faculty of Science, York University

Rui Wang is one of the pioneers in the world who demonstrates that the hydrogen sulphide generated in our bodies plays a significant role in regulating body functions. Dr. Wang’s innovative and cutting-edge research on gasotransmitters including of carbon monoxide, nitric oxide and hydrogen sulphide, challenges many conventional modalities and doctrines on the regulation of body functions at all system levels. Dr. Wang continues to develop drug therapies that lower hypertension in an effort to improving the lifestyles of Canadians.

Professor of Physiology and Medicine, University of Toronto

Mladen pioneered tracer methods providing a corner stone for quantifying hormonal interactions in glucoregulation and pathogenesis diabetes. His hypothesis about beneficial or deleterious glucoregulatory effects of exercise in diabetes is universally accepted and is the basis of the concept that exercise not only ameliorates, but also prevents diabetes. He was the first to outline molecular mechanisms of hypothalamic pituitary adrenal dysfunction in diabetes, hypoglycemia and stress. He discovered new mechanisms how muscle, liver and pancreatic ?-cells adapt to hyperglycemia; a critical ...

Professeur, Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CHUM)

Johanne Tremblay a contribué à la publication de plus de 210 articles dans le domaine de l’hypertension et à plusieurs brevets. Ses principales réalisations portent sur l’identification de nouveaux mécanismes moléculaires de contrôle de la pression artérielle. Elle a purifié et caractérisé un inhibiteur protéique de la tonine, une voie alternative de génération de l’angiotensine II et découvert la voie de signalisation du peptide natriurétique des oreillettes. Elle a découvert un activateur de la calmoduline et cloné et un nouveau gène surexprimé dans l’hypertension et impliqué dans la ...

Professor of Medicine, Montreal Heart Institute

Jean-Claude Tardif is presently the director of the research center at the Montreal Heart Institute, professor of medicine at the University of Montreal, and founder of the new University of Montreal Pharmacogenomics Centre. Dr. Tardif is a world leader in cardiovascular research and has made groundbreaking contributions to the fields of atherosclerosis and biomarkers to assess anti-atherosclerotic therapies. He has published 180 scientific articles in prestigious journals, written 25 book chapters, edited 2 books and given 280 lectures around the world. He holds the Pfizer and Canadian ...

Professor Antonio Strafella is an internationally renowned neurologist and Krembil-Rossy Chair whose work has led to significant advances for understanding the neurobiology of symptoms associated with a devastating neurological disease, such as Parkinson's disease. His ground-breaking research has led to great scientific discoveries, helping to define important motor and non-motor features that impact significantly on the health and quality-of-life of these patients. Dr. Strafella's commitment for excellence and knowledge advancement is greatly contributing to promoting ...

Dr. Stelfox is an internationally recognized intensive care physician, scientist, educator and healthcare system leader. He is a leading expert in the use of applied health services research methods to improve the care of critically ill patients. He has extensively contributed to academic health sciences by leading provincial, national and international efforts to build applied research capacity, create new health service delivery knowledge and translate that knowledge into better patient care. He has successfully trained multiple scientists and clinicians and mentored early career academic ...

Professor, McGill University

Dr. Howard Steiger directs Quebec's only large-scale, specialized eating-disorders program—the Douglas Institute Eating Disorders Continuum (EDC). Under his leadership, the EDC has earned regional, national and international recognition for its clinical services, research and teaching. Responsible for more than 170 articles and chapters, Dr. Steiger is Associate Editor of the Journal of Eating Disorders, has served as Co-President of Quebec's "Body Image Charter" (CHIC), and has occupied leadership roles in all main international associations concerned with Eating Disorders. Through his ...

Full Professor, University of Ottawa

Dawn Stacey is an internationally renowned researcher enabling impact on practice and policy through advancing the science of supporting patients' involvement in making healthcare decisions. She leads national and international initiatives to synthesize evidence and develop standards for translating scientific knowledge into patient decision-aids, and has created innovative implementation resources including decision coaching protocols and online training programs. Her evidence-based knowledge tools and learning activities are publicly available, used in clinical practice and for continuing ...

Leader mondial incontestable des "Proprotéines Convertases", ayant cloné sept des neuf Convertases, Nabil G. Seidah démontre leurs implications dans plusieurs pathologies humaines, notamment le rôle de PCSK9 dans l'hypercholestérolémie familiale. Il est à l'origine du médicament le plus efficace à ce jour pour réduire le LDL-cholestérol sanguin. Il est auteur de plus de 760 publications et a prononcé 470 conférences dans 30 pays. Ses découvertes majeures font partie des manuels de biochimie et de médecine. Passionné par la découverte, il a formé une relève de 150 étudiants/chercheurs. Son ...

Bernard Robaire is a world leader in the field of male reproduction and medicine. His ground breaking research demonstrated that paternal exposure to some therapeutic agents and environmental chemicals may alter the quality of sperm chromatin and have adverse effects on offspring. Importantly, he established that aging of the father is associated with decreased sperm quality and that this has consequences for progeny outcome. His pioneering studies of androgen action revealed the pathway by which androgens act rapidly on target cells. His fundamental studies on the impact of steroid ...