Hematologist, Professor & Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University

One of those rare individuals: a genuine "quadruple threat" - an outstanding researcher, clinician, administrator and teacher. He is an international leader in coagulation disorders whose studies define our standards of clinical care, appearing in the New England Journal of Medicine. His clinical expertise extends from the patient to the nation, caring for individuals while working to establish national standard of care protocols. He is a dedicated teacher and administrator, having been Chair of the Department of Medicine at Dalhousie and now Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Dalhousie. He ...

Professor of Cardiac Sciences, University of Calgary Dr. Anderson is an internationally recognized clinician-scientist at the University of Calgary with a research interest in the study of human blood vessel function. Three of Dr. Anderson’s publications have been cited over 1000 times. He is the Head of the Department of Cardiac Sciences, the Director of the Libin Cardiovascular Institute, the chair of the Scientific Review Committee of Heart and Stroke Foundation, and cochair of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society dyslipidemia guidelines panel. Internationally, he is the chair of the ...

Professor Emeritus, Medicine; President, Friends of CIHR, Friends of Canadian Institutes of Health Research (FCIHR)

Aubie Angel MD, BSc(Med), MSc (Exp Med), FRCPC, FCAHS: Professor Emeritus: President, Friends of Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Senior Fellow, Massey College (Member of Corporation), University of Toronto. Dr. Angel is an Endocrinologist with research interests in adipose tissue and lipid/lipoprotein metabolism. His earlier research concerned fat formation and storage in adipose tissue and discovered that in obesity, total body cholesterol is enlarged because of the accumulation of cholesterol in fat tissue. He also found that fish oil diets resulted in smaller fat stores compared to ...

Distinguished University Professor, University of Alberta

Paul Armstrong is a Distinguished University Professor at the University of Alberta.He serves in a broad range of consultative, editorial, and research leadership roles. In recognition of his academic leadership, Dr. Armstrong has received numerous awards for scholarly and societal contributions. He publishes extensively, frequently lectures in national and international academic forums,and plays an active leadership role in the conduct of a number of ongoing cardiovascular clinical trials. He serves as an associate editor of Circulation: Heart Failure, a senior advisory editor for ...

Dr. Robert Armstrong has made outstanding contributions in clinical care, education, research, and service to government. While Chair of the Department of Pediatrics at UBC, he has also served as President of Pediatric Chairs of Canada. His major contributions include innovation in developmental pediatrics and provincial, national, international leadership to ameliorate health outcomes for children with disabilities. He is actively involved in global child health, working with rural born infants in Pakistan, fostering educational innovation in Uganda, supporting Chinese capacity for improved ...

Professor Emeritus, Department of Medicine, University of Alberta

Barbara Ballermann is internationally recognized for the quality of her discovery research in endothelial biology in kidney disease. A nephrologist by training, she has made important discoveries toward reducin the human costs of this disease. She has taken on important leadership roles at the academic division and departmental levels at the University of Alberta and has been an advocate for research and for the career development of her faculty members. She was president of the Canadian Society of Nephrology and volunteers her expertise to the Kidney Foundation of Canada.

Professor, Department of Medicine, McGill University

Professor of Medicine and DG Kinnear Chair in Gastroenterology. Director, Digestive Endoscopy; Chief Quality Officer of the Division of Gastroenterology, McGill University Health Centre; and Clinical lead, Quebec colorectal cancer screening program. Recipient of national and international awards, he has published over 600 peer-reviewed articles and abstracts and given over 600 international presentations on emerging and established digestive endoscopic technologies with emphasis on methodological, clinical and cost-effectiveness trials of treatments for upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB), ...

Ronald Barr, Professor of Pediatrics at the University of British Columbia, is a Canada Research Chair in Community Child Health Research; Director of the Centre for Community Child Health Research; and Director of the Experience-based Brain and Biological Development Program of the Canadian Institute of Advanced Research. He is a member of the Governing Council of the Society for Research in Child Development and Executive Council of the International Society of Infant Studies. He was President of the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, a Fellow at the Centre for Advanced ...

Les réalisations et les contributions du Dr Battista se situent aux niveaux universitaire, provincial, national et international, et se regroupent autour de trois thèmes: 1 ‘intégration des services préventives a la pratique clinique ; le développement et 1 ‘implantation de lignes directrices en pratique clinique; et l’évaluation des technologies de la santé. En effet, il a été très présent sur la scène internationale dans le développement de la culture d’ évaluation des technologies et des modes d ‘intervention en santé par des contributions de plusieurs types: conceptuel et de recherche, ...

Ahmed Bayoumi is the Baxter and Alma Ricard Chair in Inner City Health at St. Michael’s Hospital and the University of Toronto. His research has been instrumental in improving the health of people experiencing marginalization, including people who use drugs and people living with HIV. He has led highly impactful studies and has received the Canadian Society of Internal Medicine David Sackett Senior Investigator Award, the Society of Medical Decision Making Distinguished Service Award, and several teaching awards. He has extensive experience in translating research to policy and has held ...