Professor Emeritus, University of Guelph

Professor of Neuroendocrinology, Department of Biomedical Sciences at the Ontario Veterinary College, and former President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Guelph (2003-2014). He earned international acclaim for his discovery of the relaxin-brain connection and the roles of the hormone relaxin in neural function, skeletal muscle blood vessels, tumour growth and metastasis. Received international awards including one for a highly effective method of reducing iron deficiency anemia in women and children in Cambodia. He is conducting research on HIV/AIDS in aboriginal populations and ...

Vice-President, Research, University of Saskatchewan

Dr. Singh, previously Dean of Veterinary Medicine at University of Calgary (2016-2020), is currently Vice-President, Research at University of Saskatchewan, completed his veterinary training in Punjab followed by a PhD (Guelph) and post-doctoral training at Texas A&M University and Columbia University. Baljit has taught veterinary anatomy and graduate courses in the area of lung cell biology and inflammation. He developed a Faculty-in-Residence program for 600 students at University of Saskatchewan. His teaching work has been recognized internationally (Award for Innovative Excellence in ...

Professor, University of Montreal

John M. Fairbrother is a professor and a longstanding member of the Swine Infectious Disease Research Group (GREMIP) at the Faculty de medecine veterinaire of the University de Montreal. His research emphasizing the use of in vivo infection models in the natural animal host has provided insight into the mechanisms by which E. coli can cause disease and has lead to the development of novel diagnostic and control strategies and the formation of a spin-off company. He founded the E. coli Reference Laboratory, and is an E. coli expert for the World Organization for Animal Health.