Mediator, Capital ADR Experts

Ms. Toscano Roccamo served as a judge on the Superior Court of Justice for Ontario between 2003 and 2019, where she adjudicated many complex matters, following a successful career as a respected litigator. In June 2018, she was a co-teacher at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law of a course she designed on Jury Selection and Charter Values, during which time she authored a report to the Judicial Council on Jury Selection in Ontario. She served as President of the County of Carleton Law Association from 1994-2000 as well as on the Education Planning Committee for the Superior Court of ...

Mary Lou Di Paolo, MA, Acc.FM/EM, CP Med, ACPC, BCCMary Lou has over 20 years of experience as a mediator helping individuals, families and groups prevent and resolve conflict in their families, communities, organizations and workplaces. She is an accredited family mediator, elder mediator and child protection mediator. She brings to mediation, expertise as an organizational development consultant, certified professional coach, and facilitator in three languages including French and Italian. Mary Lou’s unique perspective allows her to partner with clients to move successfully through complex ...

Alexandra grew up in a small bilingual town in Northern Ontario. She attended the University of Western Ontario and obtained her Bachelor of Arts in French and Spanish. She continued her studies at the University of Western Ontario Law School. Alexandra completed her year of articling in Stratford and fell in love with the beautiful City where she continues to live with her husband, and their young son.She was called to the bar in 2002 and has been a lawyer in Stratford since that time. She became a sole practitioner in 2006 and has built a successful law practice.Alexandra practices in the ...

University of Guelph/Humber

I am a retired Secondary School Educator, Co-ordinator of the IB Program and Administrator with the TCDSB. I have a Master of Science in Education. In my 30 years of practice, my focus and area of interest/specialty involved Student Success. The year of my retirement in 2021, I enrolled in the Guelph-Humber, full-time, postgraduate certificate ADR program. I graduated with honours, following the mandatory completion of 12 courses and 160 hours of practicum work. I have also acquired Q. Med credential designation.Additionally, I have acquired several additional certifications during this time; ...

Integrity Management Consultants Group

Attorney & Mediator, Bozzo Law

Justin is a conscientious attorney with strong interpersonal skills and a demonstrated ability to lead. Drawing on conflict resolution strategies and a wealth of knowledge in Canadian common law, Justin has identified innovative solutions to a wide range of disputes. His experiences include mobilizing diverse groups of musicians and law students, managing a high volume of legal cases, and effectively advising professionals on the inner workings of government. Writing is the bedrock of Justin's success in art, law and academia, but it is an open mind and a willingness to learn that set him ...

Partner, Hackett Simpson Tripodi