Professor and Head of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia

Dr. Lakshmi Yatham is Professor and Head of the UBC Department of Psychiatry, Director of the UBC Institute of Mental Health, and Regional Head of Psychiatry for Vancouver Coastal and Providence Health Care Authorities. He is also Editor-in-Chief for the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, and President of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry. Dr. Yatham is a world-class clinician scientist in mood disorders who has made fundamental advancements to the understanding of the neurobiology and treatment of bipolar disorder. He is a highly cited researcher and has won numerous ...

Salim Yusuf is a Professor of Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics at McMaster University and Director of the Population Health Research Institute. As a Rhodes Scholar, he initiated the concept of large simple trials, coordinating the first ISIS trial and developing concepts of meta-analysis. Subsequently, he has applied these principles to several other areas that led to the SOLVD and DIG trials in heart failure while at the US NIH, and more recently the HOPE, OASIS, CURE and CREATE trials since his move to McMaster University, Canada. He holds a Heart and Stroke Foundation ...

Ashok Malla is a Professor of Psychiatry, McGill University and a Tier-1 Canada Research Chair in Early Psychosis and Early Intervention in Youth Mental Health. He is an international leader in research in schizophrenia and other psychoses and early intervention. He has made enormous contributions to our understanding of and interventions in improving outcome in serious mental disorders, especially at onset in youth. His work has had substantial impact nationally and internationally on health policies on early intervention in psychoses and service transformation in youth mental health. ...