The YWCA Niagara Region provides shelter, food and assistance to women and families in poverty. We are committed to social change and work to create a community that supports women in need and provides support through each step towards financial stability and independent living.

176 Oakdale Ave

Whether you have made the decision to purchase a home, or just exploring your options, we are here tohelp.Together with our knowledge and experience we can help you purchase your first home (superexciting), or provide professional services you have come to expect with a situational move (alsoexciting).We have numerous resources available, from a freeFIRST TIME BUYERS GUIDE, to aBUYERS' CHECKLIST,plus the best way to keep you on top of the market withBE 1stTO KNOWupdates of homesspecifically aimed at you and your unique search criteria.To get started, though, we recommend sitting down with us ...

2390 South Service Road