Casual fine dining.

417 Elizabeth St.

Retail clothing for men. Tuxedo rentals.

At BurlingtonToday, we strive to strengthen our community by connecting you to reliable, timely and accurate information about the issues, people and businesses that matter to Burlington. We believe that local news and information should be free and accessible to all, as it plays an integral role in a healthy community.BurlingtonToday is part ofVILLAGE MEDIA’s growing network of online news sites that are dedicated to providing local stories written by journalists who live and work in those communities. We’re proud champions of local news and work diligently to deliver the news needed to help ...

511 Edinburgh Rd. S. Suite 204
List your Buisiness in our online Directory for Free

At BurlingtonToday, we strive to strengthen our community by connecting you to reliable, timely and accurate information about the issues, people and businesses that matter to Burlington. We believe that local news and information should be free and accessible to all, as it plays an integral role in a healthy community.BurlingtonToday is part ofVILLAGE MEDIA’s growing network of online news sites that are dedicated to providing local stories written by journalists who live and work in those communities. We’re proud champions of local news and work diligently to deliver the news needed to help ...

511 Edinburgh Rd. S. Suite 204
List your Buisiness in our online Directory for Free

BurlingtonGreen is a non-profit, non-partisan, environmental organization. Together with the community, we work to protect the environment, mitigate climate change and create a healthier, more environmentally responsible city.

1295 North Service Road

BurlingtonGreen is a non-profit, non-partisan, environmental organization.  Through awareness, advocacy and action we aim to make Burlington a leader creating a healthy, environmentally responsible city.

1094 Lakeshore Road

Canada's oldest and largest youth band. Formed in 1947 with assistance of Burlington's City Hall and the Burlington Chamber of Commerce.

Canada's oldest and largest youth band. Formed in 1947 with assistance of Burlington's City Hall and the Burlington Chamber of Commerce.

The Burlington Symphony Orchestra is a not-for-profit, incorporated organization whose mission is to  “ to showcase great orchestral music to a broad and diverse community audience and perform exciting, live orchestral music that inspires, while providing opportunities for community engagement”.  Through concerts, educational programs and other community activities, we deliver programs for youth and promote the health benefits of music.

1100 Burloak Drive