Vice Chair, Research - Department of Surgery, University of Toronto

A.J. Latner Professor and Chair of Orthopaedic, Surgery, Vice Chair Research, Department of Surgery, University of Toronto An internationally reknown academic orthopedic surgeon and scientist, Dr. Alman has devoted his career to increasing our understanding of the molecular biology of musculoskeletal diseases such as aggressive fibromatosis. With over 120 peer-reviewed publications, and continuous grant funding from peer-reviewed agencies, Dr. Alman has received invitations to lecture worldwide on his subspecialty areas of interest in orthopedics. As the AJ Latner Chair of the Division of ...

Dr. Mehran Anvari, O.C., O.Ont, is a pioneer in robotics, telerobotics and minimally invasive surgery in Canada. His leadership and contributions in these fields have been recognized by his appointments to the Order of Canada and Order of Ontario. Dr. Anvari is a tenured Professor of Surgery at McMaster University and an Adjunct Scientist for the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES). He is the founding director of the Centre for Minimal Access Surgery (CMAS) and Scientific Director and CEO of the Centre for Surgical Invention and Innovation (CSii), which recently partnered with ...

Past Dean, Professor, University of Montreal

Première ophtalmologiste à devenir chercheure-boursière puis chercheure nationale du Fonds de recherche en santé du Québec, première directrice du Réseau provincial de recherche en santé de la vision, la docteure Hélène Boisjoly est également la première femme doyenne d'une faculté de médecine au Québec. Elle a marqué sa discipline en transplantation cornéenne et en développement de traitements de l'herpès oculaire. Chercheure de notoriété internationale en ophtalmologie, elle est aussi chef de file en médecine universitaire reconnue notamment pour ses initiatives inter sectorielles et inter ...

Brain Research UK Professor & Chair of Neurosurgery, University College London

Rob Brownstone was appointed as the BrainResearch UK Chair, and Professor & Head of Neurosurgery at the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology in 2015. Prior to that, he practiced in Canada for 20 years as a neurosurgeon-scientist, first in Manitoba and then at Dalhousie University, where he held the Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Spinal Cord Circuits. Brownstone’s focus throughout his career –in both his clinical and scientific roles – has aimed at improving quality of life in people with neurological diseases or injuries. As a functional neurosurgeon, Brownstone has focussed on ...

Dr. Cusimano received his MD and PhD from the University of Toronto, his Masters degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago and a Fellowship in Skull Base and Microvascular Surgery from the University of Pittsburgh. Since 1992, Dr. Cusimano has been a Staff Neurosurgeon at St. Michael's Hospital with a cross appointment at the Hospital for Sick Children and UHN. Since 2005 he has been a full Professor of Neurosurgery, Education and Public Health at University of Toronto. He was the first practicing surgeon in the world with a PhD in Education. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of ...

Senior Scientist, McLaughlin-Rotman Centre; UHN Professor of, University of Toronto

Abdallah Daar is a founder of the world-renowned Canadian Program on Genomics and Global Health, which over 5 years has received $50 M in research grants, including from Gates Foundation’s Grand Challenges program. Daar holds the world record for performing the youngest kidney transplant. He is a biomedical scientist, bioethicist and global health expert working with WHO, UNESCO (Laureate of its 2005-6 Avicenna Prize) and the African Union. One of Canada’s most innovative researchers, Daar has over 300 publications and has trained over 100 graduate students. His research is aimed at ...

Professor Emeritus (Pediatrics), University of British Columbia

Dr. Allison Eddy is Professor & Head of Pediatrics, University of British Columbia and Chief, Pediatric Medicine, BC Children's & Women's Hospital. She has held prior faculty positions at U. Toronto (12 years) and U. Washington (15 years), also serving as the Director of a NIH-funded Child Health Research Center (UW) and the inaugural Director of the Tissue and Cell Sciences Research Center at Seattle Children's Research Institute. Dr. Eddy is internationally recognized for her basic research discoveries on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of kidney fibrosis and for training the ...

Michael Fehlings is recognized as one of the world's leading clinical and translational researchers in the field oftraumatic and non-traumatic spinal cord injury. His pioneering research has been critical in defining the mechanisms of secondary injury after spinal cord injury and the role of demyelination in post-traumatic neurological deficits. His ground breaking findings regarding cellular and molecular mechanisms of spinal cord injury have led to fundamental improvements of clinical practice and developing novel treatments strategies, including stem cell transplantation. In 2017 he led ...

Dr. Fried is Professor and Chair of Surgery at McGill University. He has made major contributions to the surgical care of patients by introducing innovative minimally invasive therapies and to patient safety by developing validated simulation-based programs to teach and verify proficiency in them. He was elected to Presidency of the Canadian Association of General Surgeons, Central Surgical, and James IV Association of Surgeons, and sits on the Boards of 9 major medical organizations. His educational contributions were recognized by the national John Ruedy Award for Innovation in Education, ...