Professor (Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases), University of Calgary

Herman Barkema is an internationally recognized epidemiologist whose work spans animal and human health. The primary goal of his research is to ensure a safe and sustainable food supply through control of infectious diseases in cattle. He is Professor of Epidemiology in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Infectious Diseases of Dairy Cattle, and a Professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences in the Faculty of Medicine. He has led several national and international research initiatives. Currently, he leads the Alberta Inflammatory Bowel Disease ...

Les réalisations et les contributions du Dr Battista se situent aux niveaux universitaire, provincial, national et international, et se regroupent autour de trois thèmes: 1 ‘intégration des services préventives a la pratique clinique ; le développement et 1 ‘implantation de lignes directrices en pratique clinique; et l’évaluation des technologies de la santé. En effet, il a été très présent sur la scène internationale dans le développement de la culture d’ évaluation des technologies et des modes d ‘intervention en santé par des contributions de plusieurs types: conceptuel et de recherche, ...

Professeur titulaire, University of Montreal

Professeur au Département d'administration de la santé de l'École de santé publique de l'Université de Montréal (ÉSPUM), François Béland se consacre depuis près de 30 ans à la recherche en gérontologie et il a mené des projets de recherche au Canada, en Europe et en Amérique latine. En collaboration avec des acteurs du système de santé, il s'intéresse à l'organisation des services pour personnes âgées fragiles, à l'utilisation de ces services et à leurs coûts ainsi qu'aux inégalités de santé dans la population. Membre émérite de l'Association canadienne de gérontologie, il est également ...

Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Alberta

Dr. Neal Davies is an outstanding researcher, administrator, teacher, pharmacist and pharmaceutical scientist. He is an international renowned in drug investigations from discovery to patient recovery. His research has yielded > 500 publications. He is also a dedicated administrator having been Dean of two U15 Pharmacy Faculties at the Universities of Manitoba and Alberta. Dr. Davies was the founder of Applied Pharmaceutical Innovation (API) which lead to the successful establishment of the Canadian Critical Drug Initiative. (CCDI). He has distinguished performance in the academic health ...

Dr. Vincenzo Di Nicola's work addresses the unmet health needs of three vulnerable groups – children, families, and ethnocultural communities – producing transdisciplinary syntheses with practical impacts. He developed an important clinical guide for work with immigrant families, providing tools for effective therapy with ethnocultural communities, migrants, and refugees. His work on child psychiatric problems across cultures remedies gaps in understanding problems such as eating disorders, selective mutism, and trauma by integrating ethnocultural factors into child psychiatric treatment. ...

Emeritus Professor, University of Ottawa

Andrée Durieux-Smith is Professor and Vice-Dean, in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Ottawa. She was the founding director of the Audiology department at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) (1974), the founding director of the graduate program in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology at the University of Ottawa and a founding member of the CHEO Research Institute. Since 1981, she has been carrying out externally funded research in the area of childhood hearing impairment. She is a past-president of CASLPA and has participated in numerous federal taskforces ...

Professor & Chairman, Dept of Oncology, McGill University

Eduardo L. Franco, DrPH, FRSC, FCAHS, OC, PhD (Hon.)is James McGill Professor and Chairman,Department of Oncology, and Director, Division of Cancer Epidemiology, McGillUniversity, Montreal. Since 1985, he has conducted epidemiologic research onthe causes of cancer and on the means to prevent it or to improve patientsurvival, topics on which he has published 460 articles and two books. He is mostly known for his contributions to our understanding of human papillomavirusinfection as the cause of cervical cancer and using this knowledge to prevent this cancer via vaccination and improved ...

Distinguished Professor of Neurology, Western University

Vladimir Hachinski of the University of Western Ontario pioneered the early treatment and prevention of stroke and cognitive disorders and discovered a crucial area in the brain that controls the heart. He also pioneered acute stroke units with J. W. Norris, and coined the term ‘brain attack’. He also crystallized the concepts of ‘vascular cognitive impairment’ and ‘multi-infarct dementia’ and devised the simplest, most widely used method of diagnosing them (the Hachinski ischemic scale). He is currently working on developing a common approach to prevention of stroke and cognitive disorders ...

Professor Emeritus, University of Waterloo

Susan Horton holds a BA in Economics from Cambridge University and an AM and PhD also in Economics from Harvard. She holds a research chair in Global Health Economics at University of Waterloo. She is also a Visiting Scholar in Residence at the Centre for Global Child Health at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. She has worked in over 20 low- and middle-income countries and has consulted for the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, several United Nations agencies, and the International Development Research Centre, among others. She led the paper on nutrition for the Copenhagen ...

Professor Jha is an influential figure in epidemiology and economics of global health. He leads the "Million Death Study" (MDS) in India, one of the largest health studies ever done. The MDS has demonstrated that smoking kills about 1 million adults annually, that malaria kills far more than estimated from earlier hospital records, but that the AIDS deaths are fewer than feared earlier. These studies have transformed Indian and global health. His research showing that prenatal sex determination followed by selective abortion in India accounted for up to 6 million missing females led to policy ...