Professor of Physiology and Medicine, University of Toronto

Mladen pioneered tracer methods providing a corner stone for quantifying hormonal interactions in glucoregulation and pathogenesis diabetes. His hypothesis about beneficial or deleterious glucoregulatory effects of exercise in diabetes is universally accepted and is the basis of the concept that exercise not only ameliorates, but also prevents diabetes. He was the first to outline molecular mechanisms of hypothalamic pituitary adrenal dysfunction in diabetes, hypoglycemia and stress. He discovered new mechanisms how muscle, liver and pancreatic ?-cells adapt to hyperglycemia; a critical ...

Professor Antonio Strafella is an internationally renowned neurologist and Krembil-Rossy Chair whose work has led to significant advances for understanding the neurobiology of symptoms associated with a devastating neurological disease, such as Parkinson's disease. His ground-breaking research has led to great scientific discoveries, helping to define important motor and non-motor features that impact significantly on the health and quality-of-life of these patients. Dr. Strafella's commitment for excellence and knowledge advancement is greatly contributing to promoting ...

Professor, Queen's University

Dr. John Muscedere is a Professor of Medicine at Queen's University and an Intensivist at Kingston Health Sciences Centre. His career has centred on improving care for critically ill patients through evidence based-changes at the system, regional and local level. He has extensive experience in clinical research including systematic reviews and meta-analyses, clinical trials and frailty in critical care. Dr. Muscedere is the Scientific Director for the Canadian Frailty Network (CFN). CFN aims to improve care for frail elderly Canadians through the generation of new knowledge, knowledge ...

Maryse Lassonde est une chercheure reconnue mondialement pour ses travaux quasi-pionniers sur le développement cognitif de l’enfant ayant subi des atteintes au cerveau. Détentrice d’un doctorat de l’Université Stanford, obtenu à l’âge de 23 ans, elle a depuis contribué de façon remarquable au développement d’une nouvelle discipline, soit celle de la neuropsychologie de l’enfant. En particulier, elle a investigué les effets de l’épilepsie infantile et ceux résultant de commotions cérébrales suite à l’exercice de sports. Détentrice d’un grand nombre de prix, incluant une Chaire de Recherche du ...

Prof & Chair, Dept.Health Research Methods, Evidence & Imp, McMaster University

Dr. Alfonso Iorio is an internationally renowned hematologist whose research harnesses information technology and communications strategies to augment the transfer and application of best evidence at the point of care for patients with hemophilia and allied bleeding disorders. Lay citizens and patients are fully included at all stages of his research, which has resulted in more efficient, timely ways to incorporate new evidence into education, practice, and procedures. His research findings have been transferred into software applications used by thousands of doctors and patients in more than ...

Emeritus Professor, University of Ottawa

Andrée Durieux-Smith is Professor and Vice-Dean, in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Ottawa. She was the founding director of the Audiology department at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) (1974), the founding director of the graduate program in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology at the University of Ottawa and a founding member of the CHEO Research Institute. Since 1981, she has been carrying out externally funded research in the area of childhood hearing impairment. She is a past-president of CASLPA and has participated in numerous federal taskforces ...

Dr. Vincenzo Di Nicola's work addresses the unmet health needs of three vulnerable groups – children, families, and ethnocultural communities – producing transdisciplinary syntheses with practical impacts. He developed an important clinical guide for work with immigrant families, providing tools for effective therapy with ethnocultural communities, migrants, and refugees. His work on child psychiatric problems across cultures remedies gaps in understanding problems such as eating disorders, selective mutism, and trauma by integrating ethnocultural factors into child psychiatric treatment. ...

Professor, Dept of Occupational Science and Therapy, University of Toronto

Lead of an internationally recognized research program on outcomes of persons with neurological disability, with a focus on long-term traumatic brain injury of over 20 years. Achievements include leading over 60 research grants from the most prestigious international funding sources, 2 research chairs and over 200 publications. She has received numerous awards, national and international distinctions. Fellow, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and American College of Epidemiology. She has mentored over 65 graduate students who have taken leadership roles in academic, health care, ...

Professor Emeritus of Paediatrics, Dalhousie University

Pioneer pediatric infectious disease specialist. In 1982 he responded to a major outbreak of listeriosis in Nova Scotia by discovering the responses of infants to listeria and developing models for studying this and other diseases. His international reputation in listeriosis continues today. He has been a mentor and supporter of clinician scientists in Canada and internationally through his Handbook for Clinician Scientists and the Canadian Child Health Clinician Scientist program. His passion for global health led him to cofound "Micro Research" where clinician scientists in developing ...

Les réalisations et les contributions du Dr Battista se situent aux niveaux universitaire, provincial, national et international, et se regroupent autour de trois thèmes: 1 ‘intégration des services préventives a la pratique clinique ; le développement et 1 ‘implantation de lignes directrices en pratique clinique; et l’évaluation des technologies de la santé. En effet, il a été très présent sur la scène internationale dans le développement de la culture d’ évaluation des technologies et des modes d ‘intervention en santé par des contributions de plusieurs types: conceptuel et de recherche, ...