With over 100 years of combined industry experience, we are your local independent eye clinic and eye wear store. We see patients from 6 months old and onwards and offer:* Comprehensive eye exams * Children's vision care * Diabetic eye exams * Advanced diagnostics * Emergency care * Latest in eyewear * Occupational eyewear (hunting, shooting, safety) * Contact lenses  * Sunglasses * LASIK and Refractive Surgery Co-ManagementCall us at: 519 787 0027 or message us: eyedrs.caFollow us @uppergrandeyecare

1-100 McQueen Blvd

Serving the Elora area for over 30 years. We are a full eye glass dispensary.

We are pleased to offer a mobile vision training clinic to Fergus and surrounding areas! Patients will now be able to access their neurovisual and neurocognitive training sessions closer to home! Neurovisual/neurocognitive training is recommended for:* Learning-Related Visual Difficulties* Strabismus (eye turn) & Amblyopia ("lazy eye")* ABI/TBI: Traumatic Brain Injuries including concussion and stroke* Neurosport Training* Vestibulo-Ocular Dysfuntions* Autism Spectrum Disorders* Progressive Myopia Controland more! Contact us today to see how you can benefit from neurovisual training! ...

770 Main St. West

We are private, full-scope, independent health care providers who specialize in the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and management of diseases and disorders of the visual system. Our mission is to provide our patients with the highest quality of vision and eye health care in a relaxed, comfortable, caring and professional environment.We offer comprehensive eye examinations, spectacles, contact lenses, laser vision correction consultations, and are fully licensed to provide therapeutic pharmaceutical agents. 

294 Mill Street East

We are a local family run optometry office serving Fergus, Elora and surrounding areas.

860 Tower St. South