Clermont County Park District

2156 US Highway 50



About Us

The Clermont County Park District was formed in 1970 as a separate political subdivision of the State of Ohio. The county probate judge appoints a three-member volunteer board of commissioners who serve three-year terms without pay.

Mission Statement
To acquire, plan, develop, program and maintain park property in the county for residents and nonresidents alike. To secure the preservation of open space and places of scenic or historic value.

Board of Park Commissioners
David Anspach, Chairman
John Stowell
Andrew McAfee

The park board generally conducts public meetings at noon on the second
Thursday of each month, usually at the Park District Headquarters. 
For more information, or to be included on the agenda, call 513-732-2977.

Our People

Josh Torbeck
Executive Director
Category: Parks

Other Details
