

About Me

Welcome to The Alibi Room!"

Traditionally, we hope, the minute you walk into The Alibi Room you feel welcome, appreciated and celebrated. We make every cocktail, shine every table and greet every guest with exactly that mantra in mind. Inside The Alibi Room everyone is someone important and someone worth meeting. Great conversation backed by exceptional music is the perfect garnish to any handmade cocktail or expertly suggested whiskey. We work hard to make sure we are your first choice for a night out, celebration or special event. Our entire crew is dedicated to continually providing exceptional quality cocktails, spirits and shareables with unmatched service and we pride ourselves on being both rooted in tradition while constantly chasing innovation.  While evident in bar, we now want to extend these experiences to you inside your very own home. Whether it's contact free Cocktail Mix Kit and Charcuterie delivery or booking our Alibi@Home cocktail catering to bring the full experience to you, every option is now at your finger tips. Please feel as at home and welcome cruising these pages as you would with your favourite cocktail chatting at the bar. Everyone deserves the Alibi experience at home, and now you can!

"Kyle Marcus, Owner/Operator