Zoom Start: Thursday, January 21, 2021 at 11:00 AM End: Thursday, January 21, 2021 at 12:30 PM Time Zone: Pacific Time Add to my calendar Outlook Calendar Google Calendar Yahoo! Calendar iCal Calendar Remind Me
The Santa ClaraCounty Assessor's Office is preparing to respond to the impact Covid-19 has hadon commercial property (land and buildings) values. The Assessor's Office hasthe authority to temporarily reduce property tax assessments in accordance withProposition 8 if the market value—as of January 1—falls below the 2020 assessedvalue. TheAssessor's Office is planning to proactively provide relief based upon marketevidence of value declines below Assessed values. Assessor Larry Stone willdiscuss what the law allows and the data his office requires from commercialproperty owners to efficiently process appraisals to enroll proactivereductions for the 2021-22 tax bill and avoid costly appeals. Tolearn more about how to apply for temporary property tax relief, owners ofcommercial property owners are encouraged to attend this special property taxworkshop. To register for the workshop click HERE