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Advertising and Media(7)
Agriculture and Fishing(14)
Arts, Culture and Entertainment(4)
Automotive, Aviation and Marine(17)
Business and Professional Services(16)
Computers , IT and Technology Services(4)
Employment and Staffing(3)
Family, Community and Non-Profit(19)
Finance & Insurance(21)
Government and Education(5)
Health Care(12)
Home & Garden(9)
Industrial and Manufacturing(13)
Lodging , Travel and Tourism(14)
Personal Services and Care(13)
Pets and Veterinary(2)
Public Utilities and Enviroment(1)
Public Utilities and Environment(4)
Real Estate and Construction(18)
Restaurants, Food & Beverages(21)
Shopping and Specialty Retail(20)
Sports & Recreation(10)


Belle River, ON(1)
Cottam, ON(2)
Essex, ON(2)
Harrow, ON(1)
Kingsville, ON(33)
Lasalle, ON(1)
Leamignton, ON(1)
Leamington, ON(171)
Leamington,, ON(1)
Oldcastle, ON(1)
Pelee Island, ON(3)
Ruthven, ON(6)
Staples, ON(1)
Tecumseh, ON(5)
Tilbury, ON(1)
Wheatley, ON(10)
Windsor, ON(20)