For contributions to the development of new electronic technologies and processes enhancing the export of Canadian products, the training of many successful graduate students, and especially for key-role in the growth of a new Canadian high tech company, Vecima Networks; Vecima has grown from a 3-person basement startup to a $150 Million publicly listed company in exporting Canadian designed and manufactured electronic and software products to the international telecommunications marketplace. Successful products include new technologies to deliver broadband data over wireless networks, and ...

Dr. Chris Zhang has made outstanding contributions to systems design, control or operation management technology, and robotics. His work pays particular attention to integrated design and control of dynamic systems for high performance with resilience. This has led to the improvement of disaster management practice and development of highly-resilient robots used for rescue during natural disasters. He has trained a large number of highly qualified personnel and is widely recognized as an excellent educator, having received the University of Saskatchewan's Distinguished Graduate Supervisor ...

Prof. Ward Wilson, Chair of Mining and the Environment at UBC, has achieved international recognition for his analysis, design, and construction of soil cover systems for mine waste, rock dumps and tailings facilities. His work provides the basis for solutions to environmental problems facing the mining industry; professionals around the world use his computer model SoilCover to design effective geotechnical controls on acid rock drainage. After eight years of professional engineering practice, Dr. Wilson turned to academia in 1990, where he has proven to be a remarkably effective teacher and ...

Dr. Paitoon Tontiwachwuthikul (known as P.T.) is currently Full Professor in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Regina, Canada, where he was the Dean from 1999 - 2013. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering from University of British Columbia, Canada. Dr. PT is the co-founder of Clean Energy Technology Research Institute (previously known as the International Test Centre for CO2 Capture - ITC) in Canada. He is also the Honorary Director of Joint International Center for CO2 Capture and Storage, Hunan University, China. During sabbatical of ...

As an expert in metallurgical and mining processes, Marilyn Spink has managed the successful delivery of complex mine development projects throughout the world ranging in value from $US500M to 9B. In recognition of her illustrious career, in 2020, Marilyn was bestowed the prestigious United Kingdom WIM 100 Global Inspirational Women in Mining. In 2018, she was named a Canadian Institute of Mining Distinguished Lecturer and in 2017, the inaugural Ursula Franklin Memorial Lecturer for the University of Toronto. Marilyn has also served her profession as an Ontario Lieutenant Governor Appointee ...

Dr. Peng is a world-renowned thermodynamicist who, with Dr. D.B. Robinson, was first able to predict the properties of complex petroleum fluids at various conditions more accurately. He is the co-developer of the Peng-Robinson equation of state, which is used worldwide by petroleum producers and refiners and is featured in most chemical engineering thermodynamics textbooks. The equation has been cited in over 4500 peer-reviewed publications. He is a Fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada and recipient of the Donald L. Katz Award from the Gas Processors Association and the Award for ...

Dennis Paddock is an exemplary practising engineer. He provided 24 years of significant pioneering engineering leadership in infrastructure development, resource planning and regulation throughout rural Saskatchewan. For the past 16 years, his valuable executive leadership in the regulation of engineering (and geoscience) professions within Saskatchewan and nationally have contributed significantly to national and international credential recognition, and to greater respect for the professions by legislators and the public.

Suzanne Kresta has contributed to the field of mixing research, at a national and international level, through her contributions to academic and industrial literature through a well-recognized handbook and an important contribution to the engineering literature. Her leadership has been demonstrated through many academic leadership appointments, industrial consulting and serving in engineering accreditation and regulatory bodies. Dr. Kresta is widely recognized for her passion for engineering education pedagogy and has received many awards for her contributions to improving the student ...

Huang developed innovative optimization approaches to tackle complexities of environmental risk management that are beyond direct human reasoning. His work led to a new field of inexact environmental systems analysis uniquely useful for multi-stakeholder risk management practices. His findings revealed various complexities in environmental systems and obstacles hindering sustainable regional development. They were introduced by multiple international development agencies to a number of countries and frequently used by peers/stakeholders, bringing about enormous socio-economic benefits. His ...

Dr. Gabriel is the founding Associate Provost, Research & Graduate Programs at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology. He has been instrumental in rapidly moving UOIT into a culture of research intensiveness. His tireless efforts led to UOIT being widely respected in the academic community and among stakeholders in governments, industry and the public at large. Dr. Gabriel is an internationally renowned researcher. He is specially known for his pioneering work in the area of thermal management systems for space applications. He holds a US patent for a heat-recovery system which ...