Lieutenant-general Paul Wynnyk serves as Vice Chief of Defence Staff. In doing so, he has shown exemplary leadership and commitment representing Canada by leading or overseeing military missions in the Balkans, Africa, South East Asia, Afghanistan and Eastern Europe, while earning the respect and accolades of Canadian allies and the troops under his command. He is an impressive role model for all engineers, not only those serving in the military, and is a wonderful public example of the value of engineers and engineering within the Canadian military.

Drew Wilson has made national and international contributions for Canada and its engineering community in S & T policy, building research, technology transfer, human resource studies, professional engineering and engineering history. He has provided leadership to the profession through his presidencies of EIC, CSME, and the CCPE's Engineering Manpower Council and, during the 1980s, played a leading role in the founding of the Academy of Engineering. He is a Kennedy and Stirling Medalist of EIC and has received senior awards from CSME. He holds seven Fellowships and has authored over 300 ...

Jennifer Williams has made exemplary contributions to the field of power systems operation, maintenance and leadership. As President of Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, as well as through her other leadership roles, she has made significant impact in the province, both technical and through her leadership, on the planning for and efficient and reliable generation, transmission and distribution of electricity by hydro plants, thermal plants, and diesel plants, as well as the purchase of electricity from other renewable producers. In addition to her professional leadership roles, Jennifer has ...

Dr. Yiyan Wu is a principal research scientist at Communications Research Centre Canada. He is highly respected world-wide in broadcasting industry for his research and standards development activities in digital TV/HDTV and broadband multimedia communications. His research works on OFDM, OFDMA, and SFN have been adopted in digital TV transmission, equalization and transmitter identification systems. Dr. Wu has been awarded numerous prestigious awards and honours for his outstanding achievements, including Fellow of the IEEE (2001), Emmy Award 2009, The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee ...

Dr. Xiao has made significant contribution to polymer and pulp & paper science and engineering. His research on multidisciplinary areas is unique and enables his to develop various cutting edge technologies that have remarkable benefit to papermaking, polymer and packaging industries. The various functional polymers and nanoparticle systems Dr. Xiao developed not only addressed the issues related to industrial demands from a fundamental point of view, but also are implementable and feasible for commercialization. Apart from the excellent track record of research in terms of the number and ...

Maja Veljkovic is an exemplary Canadian Engineering leader. She has excelled in attracting and leading research & development teams in two distinct expertise areas: fuel cells and oilsands upgrading. As founding Director General at NRC's IFCI, she built a world class capability and fuel cell cluster. At Syncrude, she led a research consortium of industry, university, and government labs in an R&D program that created a novel spray systems to feed bitumen into fluidized bed cracking reactors. She led this large multidisciplinary team through conceptual design, spray and pilot testing. ...

Dr. Yang is a Principal Research Scientist at the National Research Council Canada. He is a Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligent Association. Throughout his career, he has made significant contributions to Applied AI,including machine learning, hybrid reasoning, and intelligent systems. Inparticular, he developed a transformative AI-based PHM(prognostic and healthmanagement) technology for smart maintenance of complex systems, which has beenapplied to various industry sectors such as aerospace, railway, and energy, toimprove the reliability and availability of the complex systems. ...

Alan Winter, President, Genome British Columbia, has pioneered Canadian satellite and telecommunications technology, to assist in saving lives with satellite-aided search and rescue systems. He has also been instrumental in improving communications across Canada using satellite communications systems in the Ku band, and in developing companies in Canada based on broadband and wireless terrestrial telecommunications technologies. He has also made a substantial contribution to developing new collaborative research and development organizations in Canada.

Pieter Van Vliet's contributions in engineering, management and executive functions at SaskTel were of fundamental importance to creating a world-class telecommunication system with national and international links. As President of the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers and the Engineering Institute of Canada he provided constant leadership and encouragement to his colleagues. His active and enthusiastic participation in industry-based organizations over many years contributed substantially to the advancement of technological and economic development in Saskatchewan and Canada ...

Dr. Ashok Vijh has held the title of Maitre-de-Recherche at Hydro Québec since 1973. He is winner of the Killam Prize in Engineering, a Life Fellow of the IEEE, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and former president of the RSC Academy of Science. He is an Officer of the Order of Canada, and of the Order of Québec. Dr. Vijh is also a Knight of the Order of Montreal. Dr. Vijh has advanced electrochemical technologies such as fuel cells, advanced batteries, hydrogen electrolyzers and photoelectochemical solar devices as well as for treatment of cancerous tumours. He has received over 60 ...