Lawrence Rosenberg is currently the A.G. Thompson Chair of Surgical Research at the McGill University Health Centre. His current studies address islet cell neogenesis, pancreatic stem cells, and islet cell death and survival. Dr. Rosenberg was a founding member of the Stem Cell Network of Canada and is on the editorial board of Organogenesis. He is an author on more than 160 peerreviewed publications. Dr. Rosenberg has received many career awards and fellowships, including: a Medical Research Council of Canada Fellowship, McLaughlin Foundation Fellowship, Medical Research Council of Canada ...

Professor, McGill University

Dr. Alain Dagher is a neurologist at the Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University. He was trained at the University of Toronto, McGill, Cornell University, and Hammersmith Hospital, London. His research has two components: (1) understanding of Parkinson's disease; (2) identify the neural mechanisms that support motivated decision-making, with application to obesity and over-eating. His research uses functional brain imaging in human subjects, including anatomical and functional magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, EEG and transcranial magnetic stimulation. ...

B.Eng. McGill University M.Eng. McMaster University M.D. McMaster University Internal Medicine / Cardiology Université de Montreal PhD Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McGill University Fellow Canadian Cardiovascular Soceity FCCS Fellow American College Cardiology FACC Fellow Royal College of Canada FRCP Professor of Medicine & Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health, McGill University Staff cardiologist, McGill University Health Centre Research interests: clinical research, cardiovascular epidemiology, pharmacoepidemiology, health technology assessment, medical decision ...