Dr. Cécile Tremblay, is medical microbiologist and infectious diseases specialist at Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montreal. She is the Director of the Pfizer/Université de Montreal Chair on HIV translational research. She set up two pan-canadian cohorts to study the determinants of disease progression including premature aging phenotypes associated with HIV. Her research program also includes studying genetic viral evolution and its impact on viral entry and drug resistance as well as Pre-exposure Prophylaxis. She has recently developed several research projects related to COVID-19. ...

Professor Emeritus in the Department of Internal Medicine, University of Manitoba

Lindsay Nicolle is a Professor in Internal Medicine at the University of Manitoba and is a leader in academic lnfectious Diseases in Canada. She is the Editor-in-chief of the Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology and has participated as a member of the executive or committee member for many national and international professional organizations. She was the first woman in Canada appointed as Chair of Internal Medicine. Her research interests in health-care acquired infections and urinary infection have lead to many publications of refereed papers, book chapters, and ...

Professor Paediatrics, Dalhousie University

Dr. Noni MacDonald is a Professor of Paediatrics at Dalhousie University with a clinical appointment in Paediatric Infectious Diseases at the IWK Health Centre in Halifax. She is a member of the Canadian Centre for Vaccinology, Halifax and is head of the Health Policy and Translation Group. She is the former Dean of Medicine at Dalhousie University. Prior to coming to Dalhousie in 1999, Dr. MacDonald worked for 18 years at the University of Ottawa, the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) and the Ottawa General as a professor, teacher, clinician and researcher in paediatrics and ...

Michel G. Bergeron est le fondateur et directeur du Centre de recherche en infectiologie de L’Université Laval, I’ un des plus importants au monde dans le domaine des maladies infectieuses. II est I’ auteur de 387 publications scientifiques et a donne plus de 350 conférences a I’ échelle nationale et internationale. II a été co-fondateur et président de plusieurs sociétés scientifiques et a siège sur des comites prestigieux (SRAS, Santé Canada, VIH, Wellcome Trust). Grâce à ses recherches sur I’ADN, il est possible d’identifier certains microbes responsables d’infections en 1 heure au lieu de ...