Research Chair & Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Regina

Thomas Hadjistavropoulos is Professor of Psychology, University of Regina and Past-President of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA). He is internationally recognized as an authority on pain among seniors and on ethical issues in health care with his methodologies now being applied by researchers and clinicians all over the world. He has shown leadership in the promotion of the health sciences at the local, national and international level and has been honoured through a long list of prestigious awards and distinctions including a Canadian Pain Society Distinguished Career Award, the ...

Professor of Psychology, University of Regina

Dr. Asmundson is a Registered Doctoral Psychologist and Professor at the UofR. He is Editor-in-Chief of two leading journals and serves on numerous editorial boards. His pioneering work on fear-avoidance in chronic pain and his shared vulnerability model of co-occurring PTSD and chronic pain have led to significant advances in understanding and treating these prevalent, disabling, and costly conditions. He is a FRSC, a recipient of the SOM, and was awarded the Molson Prize for remarkable achievements in the social science. He is actively involved in clinical research/supervision and has ...