The garden provides fresh produce and plants and the opportunity for satisfying labour, and serves to create a sense of neighborhood improvement, a sense of community, and a connection to the environment.One of the plots is designated a "Charity Plot" where community garden members grow fresh produce for the Calgary Food Bank and the Spinz-A-Round Program.There are twenty 10'x10' plots which lease for the season on a first-come, first-serve basis. Updated January 2023.

77 Deerpoint Road SE, CALGARY, AB

The Community Garden is a resident driven initiative with over 20 participants working to bring this project to life. The Community Garden successfully completed its first year of planting and harvest in 2023, and we are looking forward to a second year with the addition of a second terrace of gardening beds. We will also have our first accessible garden bed for community members with mobility supports who want to participate.

5003 North Haven Dr NW, CALGARY, AB