Zoe Hunt

1 Sutton Road, Drury.
Second location: 820 Mount Eden Road.
Telehealth also available



About Me

Zoe is a registered Clinical Nutritionist, registered Pharmacist, registered Naturopath and Medical Herbalist, and certified Havening Techniques Practitioner. Zoe works holistically with clients of all ages, from babies to the elderly, to help achieve their health goals.  

Zoe has a passion for helping families and specialises in conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, digestive issues, allergies and asthma. She has trained through Professor Michael Tirant (Ph.D) - an integrative dermatologist with 30 years' experience researching and formulating successful, natural, and clinically trialled skin treatments. She is always upskilling and updating her knowledge to be up to date with current research and methods. 

Having two children herself with asthma & eczema, she is well-tuned in and sympathetic to the stresses that come alongside this and she cares very much about working compassionately alongside families to best support optimal health and wellbeing. 

Zoe also loves treating people with digestive conditions such as IBS, SIBO, coeliac disease, food allergies and intolerances, as well as supporting cardivascular and metabolic health.

Zoe's approach blends research based natural medicine, nutrition and lifestyle medicine. She identifies the underlying cause and addresses triggers which can include gut imbalances, stress, infection, environment, toxins, diet, hormones and more.

Additional Info

Business Name:
Sage & Well
Bachelor of Natural Medicine, Bachelor of Pharmacy, Certification in Naturopathic and Functional Medicine Approaches to Gastrointestinal Health