CH Ken Schlenker, Master Chaplain

3915 West Davis Street
Ste 130-306
Conroe, TX



Professional Biography

Sr. Chaplain Ken Schlenker: Ken is a Diplomate for the National Center for Crisis Management and the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress and is Board Certified in Crisis Chaplaincy, Emergency Response and Stress Management and is listed as an Expert Witness. Ken is the founder and President of the National Center for Chaplain Development (NCCD) and CAREForceUS™.

NCCD is recognized as a government support agency with organizations such as the California State Firefighters Association and is a recognized continuing education provider with the California Board of Behavioral Sciences and Orange County EMS.

CAREForceUS™ is an organization which empowers an organization's workforce to obtain, sustain and lead with a competitive advantage, by implementing benchmarked principles that identify and eliminate operational and support discontinuities, to become a high impact and resilient learning organization.It's corporate Chaplain Assistance Program focuses on the physical, emotional, cognitive, behavioral and spiritual wellness and resiliency of employees and corporations.

I love the company I work for and our employees are very important to me. In the wake of the tragic event that we experienced I can't say enough how good it was to know that we had someone contacting our people to make sure they were okay and at the same time reminding them that the company cares about them individually. CAREForceUS™ allowed us, as the company, to provide sincere and professional care to our people and for that I am very grateful. -- Jessica Macko, Human Resources Manager MobileNet Services, Inc.

Chaplain Ken is the author of the California Law Enforcement Chaplain Curriculum, a California POST Certified Curriculum and currently functions as the State Training Director for the newly formed California Law Enforcement Chaplain Consortium (CALECC) which is composed of a cadre of experienced chaplains throughout California who participated on a curriculum design committee for the development of this standardized state curriculum. Ken has also submitted and received a pilot curriculum into the Federal Database for Based Chaplaincy which is currently under development. Ken has also been a featured radio speaker on KKLA, KSDW and KWVE in Southern California and in 2009 received the Presidential Volunteer Service Award by the Orange County Sheriff Department.

Ken graduated from Talbot School of Theology, BIOLA University with a M.Div. degree, a BS from Southern Illinois University in Health Care Management and two Associate Degrees from Northern Virginia Community College (Science and Medical Laboratory Technology). Ken served as a Navy Corpsman (HM2) during President Reagan's term of office and was distinguished by Rear Admiral Schaeffer at Bethesda Naval Hospital where he received a Letter of Commendation for his work in radiation health safety. Ken later went on to serve at Long Beach Naval Hospital where he was part of the oversight of the west coast Naval Aid's screening program that over saw 90,000 individuals.

Ken's background in laboratory technology, hospital material management, sales and management training, business development, instructional system design, and network administration provides a breadth of experience, knowledge and ability to integrate multiple systems into a cohesive and cogent framework which has been recognized by senior management in multiple organizations.

Ken's business expertise was recognized by Solvere, Inc. when he was asked to assist as a consultant and later as an employee when the company was doing $1 million per year. He was brought on to lay the foundation for sales, marketing, network infrastructure, and finance which enabled the company to set the foundation to grow from $1 million in 1996 to $30 million in 2011.

Additional Professional Information

MDiv., N.C.C.M. B.C.S.M., B.C.C.C., B.C.E.C.R., RHIA
Granted Degree:
Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
Graduation Year:
Chaplaincy, Critical Incident Stress Management, Crisis Response, Instructional System Design, Curriculum Development
National Center for Crisis Management | American Academy of Experts on Traumatic Loss |
Additional Certifications:
Master Trainer, LivingWorks, CA Peace Officer Standards and Training Master Instructor Development Institute, Center for Domestic Preparedness, Homeland Security Indirect Trainer,