Huh, Sade

About Me

My name is Sadé Huh, and I am an industrial design student in my second year at OCAD University. I am born and raised in Toronto with a background of French and Korean, bilingual in both english and french. I have a passion for design, with my focus mainly being furniture design. I am a curious and creative individual that enjoys discovering new ideas and solutions, eager to learn from the world around me. I am open to developping skills in UX/UI as well as broaden my research.  I have skills in the physical making of products, design thinking, graphic design, basic coding (javascript, html, css), illustrator, photoshop and CAD modeling in Rhinoceros. I currently work as a student monitor at OCAD University in the model wood shop as well as the fabrication studio. I help students use machines, give guidance on their projects, and make sure the shop is in working order and use overall problem solving skills.