Hennessy Hammock

637 Southwind Rd



About Us

For more than 20 years, Hennessy Hammock has taken pride in producing hammocks designed in Canada by our 
founder, Tom Hennessy.  LNT principles are an integral part of Hennessy Hammock products.  Our camping 
hammocks are an ideal low-impact camping shelter because, unlike tents, they do not disrupt the ground cover. 
Every hammock is supplied with free webbing straps to protect the bark of trees.  Packaging is integral with the 
product and  includes written instructions for environmentally friendly use.
Hennessy Hammock has donated hammocks to youth-oriented groups to promote a life-long committment
to environmentally friendly camping.  

Special Offer

LNT members are elegible for a 20% discout on orders through hennessyhammock.com.  To receive this discount email james@hennessyhammock.com to enter your order and confirm your membership.