PupPouch Pets

3487 Beachwood Road



About Us

PupPouch is a smell proof reusable poop carrier for dog owners, which makes walks so much better! 

Designed with three things in mind; Convenience, Environment and Smell, it's our aim to make this one unpleasant part of dog walking a non issue so that dog owners are more inclined to pack out their dogs waste from nature. 41% of dog owners don't pick up after their dogs and we want to help change that. 

Handling time of dog waste could be the whole duration of a walk or until a garbage bin is found. With PupPouch handling time goes down to under 30 seconds. Pop the poop in your PupPouch and you'll forget its there! The smell proof bag ensures a care free walk and car ride home (if there aren't bins at trail heads). 

Special Offer

15 - 20%