

About Us

Artshine is a mobile art school that teaches one-time workshops or parties, regular classes in schools or community centers, and week-long summer and march break camps. Our enriching experiences have been run for toddlers and their parents, elementary age kids, teens, adults and seniors in our community. We work with community partners (such as KW Habilitation, House of Friendship, Autism Ontario, Spectrum - Waterloo Regions Rainbow Space, and many more) to bring Art programs to their communities. We also have Artshine In A Box kits for at-home art projects for kids available for sale on our website individually or as a subscription. All of our programs can be taught in French or English!

Arts4All uses all the profits from Artshine's paid programs to remove the barriers for anyone that may not have regular access to participate in the arts in any number of ways, from full scholarships to our paid programs, fully free programs as well as donations of our Artshine in a Box kits.

Our mission is to create a community where participation in the arts is not limited by income, ability or life circumstances.

Our People

Knox Adams
General Manager
Category: Charitable, NFP & Community Services

Other Details