Crop Quest

PO Box 239



About Us

Established early in 2000 Crop Quest is the largest network of agricultural strategists in the Province who prepare Nutrient Management Plans, Nutrient Management Strategies and NASM Plans for even the most complex operations.  Our team has been interpreting the Nutrient Management Act and navigating the approvals process for almost twenty years, but one of our greatest strengths lies in finding value where others see only waste.  We also now offer the preparation of Environmental Compliance Approvals.

Crop Quest’s approach to nutrient management goes a stop beyond what most companies provide in that we also offer Comprehensive Nutrient Management Strategies.  A Comprehensive Nutrient Management Strategy is a multi-year plan that, through the careful annual application of manure, protects both soil health and soil structure.

If you are looking for an expert to help you with nutrient management you will need to look no further than Crop Quest Inc.

Our People

Amy VanStraaten
Certified Planner
Phone: 226-777-8462
Cindy Moore
Certified Planner
Phone: 226-777-8462
Jenny Bilenduke
Sales and Marketing Manager
Phone: 226-777-8462
Russ Barker
Nutrient Management Planner
Phone: 226-777-8462