Resilient Kids Canada



About Us

Resilient Kids Canada is a Registered Charity that provides the insights and educational tools for today's parents, caregivers and teachers that enables the development of critical resiliency skills that young children need for their future successes in life.

Through proprietary and other vetted content developed by experts in healthy brain development from around the globe and deleivered via online and other available channels for convenience and maximum exposure, our "parenting" tools are designed for all of the caring adults who cultivate those early environments and experienced so that kids can thrive. 

Our website consists og four child-friendly learning zoons to help caring adults navigate the world's most reliable, evidence-based resources from around world. Visit our Inspiration Zone, the Kid's Zone, the Grown-Up Zone and the Evidence Zone to access the insights that are needed to raise happy, healthy and resilient* kids. ( 

* Resiliency: social, emotional and cognitive skills, an optimistic temperament, and a sense of agency - a feeling of contrl ove actions and their consequences on self and others.

Our People

Jan Kasperski
Founding President & Chief Executive Officer

Other Details