West Lincoln Historical Society

288 Station St., Smithville, ON

About Us

History defines where we come from & the many influences that have affected us. Our past links us to the places and people that have molded us into the present. So it was appropriate that the 1903 TH&B (Toronto, Hamilton, & Buffalo) train station (the picture above) was acquired in 1993 and restored by the West Lincoln Historical Society and volunteers. Using the profits from their book publication, generous donations from local organizations, businesses and individuals, and work of skilled and dedicated volunteers, the Society has restored the station to its original beauty. It is now used as their headquarters and local archives., , West Lincoln is also going through major changes right now as the new plaza has redefined the core of Smithville, shifting it east; causing a refocus on the downtown core where many changes are occurring & will occur into the future. Therefore, we now have history taking place before our eyes. The sad part is that we are loosing our history as owners do not take care of our historic buildings so that Smithville has lost the Feed store with unique siding & store front, the Murgatroyd building, and the Starlight Restaurant complex. The Murgatroyd building was unique in that it housed one of the first general stores in town, as well was a tie manufacturing facility which was innovative for this area as it was not a textile area. How many had enjoyable meals at the starlight? How many can remember the Smithville bakery on the main drag where your tongue drooled just thinking about it let a lone actually eat the magical pastries. It vanished soon after we moved here almost 20 years ago as well as Central Motors, the Nissan dealership, & gas station. Too bad, that highly visible property is still vacant today after approx. 15 years. What part of our history will be next to disappear or as some would say; ?evolve.?, , Our general meetings are held in the train station from September to May on the first Thursday of each month. Everyone is welcome to attend. June is the big PoultryFest Celebration in Smithville on the fourth Saturday of June. So come on out & visit us & see the many exhibits here at the Nostalgic Corner centered around the Train Station.

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