Anne Freed

Toronto, ON

About Me

Anne is a senior Family Law Lawyer, Mediator and Arbitrator with over 35 years of experience, with includes Mediation, Collaborative Divorce, Traditional Negotiation and Court.  Having worked for many years in Court, Anne's primary focus is now on Mediation and Collaborative Practice.  In addition to her Law Degree (D. Juris), Anne holds a Master of Laws Degree in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).

Anne brings her extensive toolbox of education and experience to her work.  In Collaborative Practice, Anne and her client and the other party and her/his lawyer, work as a team with the common objective of reaching a settlement satisfactory to both parties, and a win/win solution which meets both parties' interests, wants and needs and, most importantly, meets the needs and best interests of their children.

When Anne is retained as a Mediator for a couple, she works with the parties with the same objective, being to assist the parties to reach an agreement which meets both parties' interests, wants and needs, and, most importantly, their children's best interests.

Anne also practices Mediation/Arbitration. See Anne's blog at: