West, Lori

About Me

Dr. West holds an international reputation as a scholar and leader in the field of pediatric heart transplantation and the science of immunobiology. Infants around the world now benefit from a change in clinical practice brought about by scientific knowledge applied to transplant policy. Today, 80% of infants waiting for a heart transplant will receive an organ; this improvement is largely due to the use of incompatible donor organs based on Dr. West’s research. Moreover, wastage of donor organs that would have been discarded due to lack of acceptable recipients has been minimized. She has advocated for change in public policies related to organ procurement and allocation. In Canada, United States, United Kingdom and Germany, transplant policies now allow listing pediatric patients for ABO-incompatible transplants. In challenging the reluctance to change practice, armed with proven science and effective strategies, Dr. West’s efforts have shaped policy.

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