Marianne Cuhaci

Ottawa, ON

About Me

Marianne Cuhaci is a certified specialist in mediation, parenting coordination and family arbitration. She has been practicing as a social worker for 40 years. Her experience is extensive and varied. Marianne's earlier background includes having worked as a child protection worker with the Children's Aid Society (C.A.S.) of Ottawa from 1979 to 1985. She subsequently joined the multi-disciplinary team in the Forensic Program at the Royal Ottawa Hospital in 1987, proving inpatient and outpatient services to clients struggling with mental illness and facing criminal charges. From 1995 to 2002, Marianne joined the Family Court Clinic in Ottawa, where she conducted over 65 custody and access assessments as part of their multi-disciplinary team. Since 2002, Marianne has been in private practice, focusing mainly on families undergoing separation and divorce, providing them with individual and family counselling, assessment, parenting mediation, mediation-arbitration, and parenting coordination services. Marianne works closely with her husband Colin McCorriston, an experienced lawyer who specializes in Family Law. Marianne and Colin have two adult children.