Power To Be

4633 Prospect Lake Road



About Us

Power To Be began in 1998 with an idea: help people living with a disability or barrier access nature. The idea grew into a community, connecting participants to adventures and supporters to opportunities, collectively redefining our definition of ability.

Based in Victoria, we are a non-profit organization that believes everyone belongs in nature. We believe finances shouldn’t prevent anyone from accessing nature, and we work to remove cognitive, physical and social barriers to the outdoors, supporting participants to explore who they are and what they are capable of with the support of our staff, volunteers and each other.

Our Prospect Lake site creates a sense of place for participants and their families to explore what’s possible while building deeper connections with nature and community. We’re honoured to welcome people to the wilderness just outside the city centre. The proximity to the urban core is what makes the site accessible. Our focus on inclusion is what makes the opportunity so valuable for people living with a barrier or disability.

Our People

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