Affordable Housing in Texas

P O Box 652
Buchanan Dam, TX



About Us

Affordable Housing in Texas is a newly formed 501C3 in the state of Texas. We use the business model called a Community Land Trust (CLT). This business model is the only one that currently guarantees that a home or apartment stays affordable in perpetuity.

In our innaugural years, as we are in the pilot phase, we are building four units - two in Llano County and two in Burnet County. Our focus will be initially the Highland Lakes area and we hope to expand all throughout Hill Country.

We are open to partnerships. Whether it be with another developer, any for profit entity who wants to offer their employees affordable places to live, nonprofit organizations, places of worship or government - to have an inventory of affordable housing will take a lot of community support.

Please reach out - we would love to connect.

Our People

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