Dr. Roderick Logan

13636 W.Rovey Avenue
Litchfield Park, AZ



Professional Biography

Dr. Roderick Logan brings more than 40 years of experience providing compassionate and trauma-sensitive leadership. He is an effective and impacting communicator, highly skilled at presenting in-depth research and complex information in a way that supports adults in their learning and implementation. His sensitivity and attunement to learners empower them to connect cognitively and emotionally, thus increasing confidence and competency. Dr. Logan is a member of the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, a certified trauma and resiliency life coach, certified family trauma professional, and certified clinical trauma specialist. His impact and influence are most recently noted in several human service and governmental organizations, as he has led them to become certified trauma-informed organizations. In 2021, the Arizona Department of Economic Security recognized Dr. Logan's innovative work with their Arizona Aging Services Star Award.

Additional Professional Information

Custom Profession:
Senior Faculty at the Arizona Trauma Institute