Jim's Portable Toilets and Septic Service

5040 Regional Road 55
Whitefish, ON
P0M 3E0



About Us

How does it work?

A septic tank creates a large quiet compartment to allow solid material to settle out the waste water and collect in the tank. Once the solid materials settle out then the discharge either goes into the soil where microorganisms remove the pollutants before the waste water enters the ground or the discharge goes into an aeration treatment compartment where again micro organisms break down and remove the pollutants.

Why do you need a septic?

Over years of operation, accumulated solids begin taking up too much room in the tank reducing the volume available for settling. When this happens, solids start escaping the tank and can clog your soil absorption field, polluting streams and or ditches. Before this happens the solids should be removed from the septic tank by a qualified septic cleaning service.

How often should it be pumped?

There are four key things to remember when determining when your septic tank needs to be cleaned.
1.Do not wait for the septic system to become backed up ! Once the sewage backs up the damage is already done.
2.Do not use biological or chemical additives in place of septic tank cleaning. Even though some companies claim if you use their products you’ll never need to pump your system. This misconception will eventually lead to a very costly mistake to a home owner.
3.Pumping of a septic tank is based on the tank and the number of people using it. More frequent pumping is necessary if a garbage disposals are used, or, if a family member is on strong health medication ( it kills the bacteria ). Generally every two to three years is sufficient.
4.4. Call Jim’s Portable Toilets and Septic Service Ltd. with questions or concerns that you might have.

Services offered for septic residential, commercial & camp sites

Extra’s offered
Crust buster Power Lift Risers – septic lids Aquarobic Systems Septic tank locator

Our People

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