Drug & Alcohol Testing Compliance Services

4000 US Hwy 259 N



About Us

DATCS helps businessesand schools improve compliance and safety through fast and accurate drug &alcohol testing, background screening, and related services. 

We see comprehensiveprevention, detection, and early intervention programs having a massive impacton reducing substance abuse and improving the safety and wellbeing of families,businesses, and schools.

We are on a missionto educate our clients and community about accurate and appropriate drug &alcohol testing.  We are committed toadministering programs that improve safety and increase the odds that ourchildren will grow up free from harm.

Our People

Twyla Lewis
Category: Drug & Alcohol Testing
Work Phone: (903) 500-2085
Brian Raif
Network Administrator
Work Phone: (903) 234-1136 Ext 213
Toll Free: (888) 201-0242
LaVonda Guice
Marketing Communication Specialist
Work Phone: (903) 234-1136
Toll Free: (888) 201-0242
Thomas Brasher
Professional Collector
Work Phone: (903) 234-1136 Ext 207
Toll Free: (888) 201-0242

Other Details