Dr. Adeera Levin is Professor and Head of the Division of Nephrology at the University of British Columbia. She serves" />

Levin, Adeera

About Me

Dr. Adeera Levin is Professor and Head of the Division of Nephrology at the University of British Columbia. She serves as the Executive Director of the British Columbia Provincial Renal Agency, leading clinical, administrative, and research programs related to kidney disease in BC. Her research program focuses on the determinants of kidney health and disease, and knowledge translation activities to ensure evidence based clinical care. She is a Past-President of the Canadian Society of Nephrology, Past President of the International Society of Nephrology, and was inaugural editor of the Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease.In 2015 she was awarded the Order of Canada, for her work in helping to improve the lives of people living with kidney disease through her clinical care, education, research and mentorship. She is the named Principle Investigator for a $40 M Strategy for Patient Orinted Research Chronic Disease Network Grant: Can SOLVE CKD. 

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