Loomis, Christopher

About Me

Vice-President (Research), Memorial University of Newfoundland (retired)

Christopher Loomis served as Professor of Pharmacology and Vice-President (Research) at Memorial University of Newfoundland until his retirement in 2017.  His research interests focused on the mechanisms of spinal analgesia and the spinal pharmacology of neuropathic pain early after nerve injury. His academic positions in Medicine and Pharmacy reflect a record of accomplishment as a dedicated teacher, researcher and academic leader. He is a past member of the Governing Council of the CIHR, the Science Advisory Board of Health Canada, and the Board of Directors of CANARIE, and cuurenty served on the Board of Dirctites of Ocean Networks Canada, and Compute Canada Inc.  Dr. Loomis has also been a member, Scientific Officer and Chair of numerous national peer-review and international multi-discuplinary assessment committees.

Other Details

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