Becky was the pioneering occupational therapist and now the leader of the Mobile Outreach Street Health (MOSH) program in Halifax, NS, unceded Mi'kma'ki territroy, since it's origin in 2009.  As a private occupational therapist, she supports children in fine motor function, having been trained in the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum. She privately also offers diabetes education and self-management support.  Finally, she delivers professional development in the areas of hoarding and diabetes education and self-management. 

Heather Beaton BSC(OT) Reg(NS)Labyrinth 441-3100 Heather (she/her/elle) is a licensed Occupational Therapist with over 20 years of experience working in the formal Mental Health and Wellness systems. She is a graduate from Dalhousie University with degrees in Biology and Occupational Therapy. She runs her own private practice specializing in building capacity in Mental Health & Wellness, Behaviour Change and Change Management for organizations. Heather has expertise in anxiety prevention, behaviour change counseling, parenting skills, health system ...