Atlanta Artists Center 2979 Grandview Ave.Atlanta, GA 30305 Start: Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 11:00 AM End: Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 2:00 PM Time Zone: Eastern Time Add to my calendar Outlook Calendar Google Calendar Yahoo! Calendar iCal Calendar Remind Me
Reserve your spot by contacting Gallery Administrator Zindi Tate and pay in advance or by registering below.Reservations without prepayment are not guaranteed.Free parking at the rear.Easels, tables and chairs provided.-Allow 10 minutes set-up BEFORE group begins.-Clean up your debris or dust at end of session.-Clean your AAC easel, fold and replace after use.-Bring your own paper towels.-NO photographs allowed in any nude model sessions.-Odorless solvents must be used in oil painting.