Webinar: 101 Social Media & Marketing Tips That Actually Work Tuesday, March 18, 2025
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Keeping pace with today’s tech-savvy consumer means staying on message and spending less time and less money in the process. Annette Miller explores unconventional marketing possibilities that allow the average business to stand out in the marketplace. 

Conscious of the fact that small business has small budgets and limited staff, Miller concentrates on low-cost or no-cost marketing practices that should take no longer than 20 minutes a week to implement. Even still, the soundest marketing advice Miller likes to give is to network, join a committee, and stay active in your business community. 

Speaker Bio

Annette Miller, EdD, has spent over a dozen years marketing her own businesses and other small business people with great success. She is the principal of The Modern Era Trainer, LLC. Miller is a member of the National Speakers Association and the American Society for Training and Development and has been a presenter at the national conferences of both professional associations. 

She has authored three books, including 101 Media and Marketing Tips for the Sole Proprietor, and has had numerous articles published in industry and trade journals.

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