Editing Skills for Translators Tuesday, September 20, 2022
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In this webinar, participants will learn about copyediting translation work for clients. The webinar will start with an overview of the different levels of editing before discussing what to check for when copyediting a manuscript. Making queries and creating a style sheet will also be covered. Participants are encouraged to bring their questions for the Q & A session.

Workshop Facilitator: Vanya Wryter

Vanya Wryter is a workplace training consultant and editor who loves grammar and languages. She has over 10 years of experience with all levels of editing: developmental editing, copyediting, and proofreading. Projects she has edited include manuals and handbooks, website copy, client blogs, online assessments, and novels. A member of the Editors' Association of Canada, she has facilitated workshops and webinars about writing and editing, and coached authors on the writing process. Currently, she manages a team of translators.