Gentle Somatic Yoga Friday, April 12 to Friday, May 17, 2024
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We are pleased to offer Gentle Somatic Yoga, with instructor Marian Postnikoff.

There will be six sessions, on Fridays, from 11:45-12:45 in the Big Room.
The dates are April 12 - May 17 and the cost is $37.50. 
We need a minimum of 8 participants, with a maximum of 20.
Registration is either here online or at the Office. 
No phone in registrations are allowed.

A description of the course, provided by Marion, is below.

Gentle Somatic Yoga® with Marian

Gentle Somatic Yoga® incorporates gentle movements, pranayama (breathwork), visualizations, and meditations to increase internal body awareness, and reset muscles to their optimal resting length. The restorative exercises, called Somatic Movement Flows®, are taken seated (most often on a chair), standing, and lying on the floor. Slow, mindful movements, rather than stretching, get to the root cause of muscular pain: the brain.

 Through brain to muscle re-education, you'll unwind from stiffness and postural imbalances that have occurred from habitual patterns of holding physical, emotional, and/or mental stress in your body. The benefits include improved posture, increased flexibility, reduced anxiety, and a sense of well-being.  

Marian began a Yin Yoga practice following knee surgery. The Somatic Movement Flows® incorporated in the class were so effective at releasing muscular tension, she began attending Gentle Somatic Yoga® classes.

Her desire to share this practice with others led her to complete GSY Level 1 and 2 teacher training with James Knight (2019/2020). 

Marian is also a BC Recreation and Parks Association certified Yoga Fitness Leader. Marian is known for her calm voice, clear instructions,sense of humour, and enthusiasm to help others discover the 'somatic buzz.'

Gentle Somatic Yoga 2024
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Gentle Somatic Yoga
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