Friday Femdom Night Friday, May 31 to Saturday, June 1, 2024
Where & When
Remind Me

Open Only to Members and Their Invited Guests

Guests of Members Must Sign Up for Free Visitor Status 

No RSVP Needed

Not a member yet? Join now but plan ahead! Your membership will be active the calendar day after you submit your application.

For example, if you submit your application on Thursday at 11:59:59 p.m., you would be able to attend members-only events that begin on Friday. If you submit your application moments later at 12:00:01 (technically on Friday), you would be able to attend members-only events that begin on Saturday.

GD2's Femdom PlayParty!

All female and femme identifying tops join in on this GD2 party for a night of power and play. Every event introduces new discussion topics for the social areas and mini-events within. This is a themed party of GD2, so we will not be confined to one room. GD2 will be open to all members and their guests during this party, so those coming will be able to indicate their participation with name tags.

Not sure you look the part?

It's really not about what one wears when playing, and there's no dress code. But attire is communication, so wear something that communicates "you," and be willing to start a conversation about it. (BTW: Hanky codes are super welcome!)

Definitions of Femdom have been too narrow, right?

Come do what Femdom means to you!

The definition of femdom needs to evolve. When we're not playing, let's chat about how we all would define or think of femdom, or mascdom, or dominance that is neither of those. However, please keep in mind this is a party that emphasizes femme leadership and dominance; we encourage you to come with that in mind.


Not sure if this party includes you? Read the below eligibility. If you don't feel represented, do let the organizer know.


Open to any cis, trans, or gender nonconforming person who identifies or plays as female or femme.

  • This is inclusive of cis women, butch women, femme women, trans women, people who are gender-fluid who are choosing a feminine/ female gender to top.


All bottoms are welcome.


Switches are welcome provided they do not shift focus to male dominance/ topping.