Peter Butler III - Rose Fortune Scholarship Program Donations
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A.B.L.E. is a non profit organization that was formed in 1992 to address the needs and concerns of Black and other racial minorities in law enforcement and the community.  We are committed to ensuring that the criminal justice system is reflective of the entire Canadian mosaic, by providing opportunities for our young people to serve, protect, and correct.  Accordingly, A.B.L.E. will contribute funds towards the tuition fees of each successful candidate pursuing post-secondary education in one of the following areas of study:
  • Law Enforcement/Law and Security
  • Correctional Worker Program
  • Law and Criminal Justice Studies
  • Police Foundation Studies
  • Criminology
We welcome your support for the Peter Butler III - Rose Fortune Scholarship Program.  
Your Donation will help our young people in achieving their dreams.

Note: A.B.L.E. does not issue tax receipts for donations at this time.

A.B.L.E. Scholarship Program Donation
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