Donations to the OBA: Options
Donation to Tech-Transfer Program
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Funds directed to the OBA Tech-Transfer Program help deliver essential honey bee research, testing, education and training to beekeepers in Ontario.
BeeCause Donation
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We use donations made to our BeeCause Program to support our advocacy on behalf of honey bees and other pollinators.
Donation to OBA Operations
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Donations provide important funding and demonstrate that Ontario beekeepers are committed to investing in the sustainability of this sector.
Time out warning
The quantity you have selected for your registration will be released back into inventory if you do not restart the timer. Click 'Renew' to reset the timer and give you more time to complete your registration.
Timer Expired
The timer reserving your items has expired, the items have been returned to inventory. You can try to purchase your items again.
Inventory Sold Out
Sorry during the processing of your request the inventory sold out.