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UAAC-AAUC Conference 2024 Thursday, October 24 to Saturday, October 26, 2024
Where & When
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Every fall, UAAC-AAUC hosts Canada's professional conference for visual arts-based research by art historians, professors, artists, curators, and cultural workers. The conference is held at a different location each year, generally at a Canadian university or college. The sessions and panels address issues and subjects in art history, theory, and practice from various methodological approaches.

The 2024 UAAC-AAUC Conference will take place in Western University, next October 2024.

Registration for the Annual Conference, individual or institutional membership are not refundable.
Registration to the conference
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Chairs and presenters must become members of UAAC before purchasing registration to the conference.

Early bird registration: July & August, 2024

Full member: conference registration
Sale ends: Oct 27, 2024
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Sale ends:
Oct 27, 2024
CAS /Unaffiliated member: conference registration
Sale ends: Oct 27, 2024
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Sale ends:
Oct 27, 2024
Student member: conference registration
Sale ends: Oct 27, 2024
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Sale ends:
Oct 27, 2024
Conference registration (non-member / non-presenter)
Sale ends: Oct 28, 2024
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Sale ends:
Oct 28, 2024
Day pass (non-members)
Sale ends: Oct 28, 2024
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Sale ends:
Oct 28, 2024
Student (non-member/non-presenter)
Sale ends: Oct 28, 2024
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Sale ends:
Oct 28, 2024
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The timer reserving your items has expired, the items have been returned to inventory. You can try to purchase your items again.
Inventory Sold Out
Sorry during the processing of your request the inventory sold out.
More Info
Paola Aron Badin