MS Excel Basic for Construction Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Where & When
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The last date to cancel or receive a refund for your registration is: September 4, 2024

Course Dates: September 11 & 18

If tasks such as tracking expenses, jobs and equipment, or creating estimates are work that you do, then this course will help save you time and money. If you have ever used a spreadsheet created by someone else and struggled, then this course is for you.

Do you calculate production rates? keep track of costs or budgets? Excel makes these tasks easy and it gives you a record of all your calculations (unlike your calculator). Excel makes it easy to verify your work and enter changes.

Course topics include:
- Basic spreadsheets for simple estimates
- Tracking Expenses
- Year over Year comparisons
- Reporting

Successful completion of this course is worth 1 gold seal credit.

MS Excel for Construction Basic Registration
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